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Donaghmore Controlled Primary School, Dungannon


18th Dec 2023
Today the P1/2 class worked hard to make a healthy festive snack. They looked at...
15th Dec 2023
This year the P7s decided to support Air Ambulance NI. They worked extremely hard...
14th Dec 2023
There was much excitement in school as children headed to the panto. P1-4 children...
13th Dec 2023
The P1/2 children were on a mission to make sure their very important letters were...
8th Dec 2023
A merry time was had by all at our school’s Christmas dinner.
7th Dec 2023
Creating lots of little helpers for Santa.
7th Dec 2023
P3,4 and 5 have been busy making Christmas decorations. 
7th Dec 2023
Primary 3, 4 and 5 pupils have been using adjectives to improve their writing. During...
4th Dec 2023
As excitement builds for Christmas, the children in P5/6/7 are personalising Santa...