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Donaghmore Controlled Primary School, Dungannon


Donaghmore has some new luxury accommodation!
Donaghmore has some new luxury accommodation!
Waste Free competition winners
Waste Free competition winners

Donaghmore Primary was first awarded a Green flag for efforts to promote environmental education in May 2015.

Each year pupils volunteer to form a school ECO committee. Although the entire school community is involved in ECO activities, the committee works together to complete an environmental review, plan activities for the year ahead and monitor progress.

Reducing, reusing and recycling programmes are firmly established in school. Pupils monitor correct use of bins provided and each Wednesday is Wastefree. ECO committee members present stickers to pupils who participate.

Watch this page to see what we are doing to promote environmental, sustainable and cultural awareness.



19th Jun 2024
The sun shone for our Walk On Wednesday (WOW) in Drum Manor Forest Park. Each class...
11th Jun 2024
The Green Team led the way this week planting and tending, while the P1/2 children...
10th Jun 2024
KS2 pupils organised a plant and uniform sale to raise money for playground equipment. 
5th Jun 2024
This week the team planted peas and beans. They earthed up potatoes and replanted...
30th Apr 2024
This week the Green Team swept up the leaf casings that had fallen from the beech...
23rd Apr 2024
This week the Green Team dug out some Phlox ready for replanting and got to work...
16th Apr 2024
The Green Team was busy planting strawberry plants. They also planted two different...
16th Apr 2024
The P1/2 class set out on a walk to look for signs of spring. They enjoyed watching...
9th Apr 2024
Today the Green Team planted broad beans, peas and potatoes and refilled the hanging...
26th Mar 2024
P7 pupils participated in a village clean-up with members of St Patrick’s Primary...
26th Mar 2024
Our P1/2 children visited Donaghmore allotments with the P1 and P2 children from...
19th Mar 2024
Green fingers were needed as the team got to work planting. They were able to use...