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Donaghmore Controlled Primary School, Dungannon


We encourage children to take pride in wearing our school uniform. The uniform consists of the following items and can be purchased online from Signature Schools (click link to navigate to website). Sample sweatshirts are available in the school entrance hall so parents can check uniform for correct sizing before placing an order.

Red polo shirt with the school badge

Grey sweatshirt with the school badge

Grey trousers for boys/grey skirt for girls

An optional black coat with the school badge is available for purchase and is for outside use only.

Girls may wear red and white gingham dresses during the summer and autumn terms.

Black school shoes should be worn.

A PE kit consists of a pair of plain black shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms, a red polo shirt, school sweatshirt and a pair of trainers.

All articles of uniform should be marked clearly with the child’s name.


Children may wear a PE kit to school on the following days:

            P1/2               Tuesday

            P3/4               Thursday

            P5/6/7           Wednesday


The application form for Free School Meals/School Uniform/Physical Education Clothing Allowance can be accessed from the EA website - Click Here –